Explore The Modiin Area

Explore the Modiin, Israel Area Trails and Historical Sites

As the country of Israel starts to open up again, and hopefully, the skies will be next, I thought it would be good to offer alternatives to the mainstream tourist attractions. You know what I mean; the museums, the Western Wall, the Hall of Independence, etc. However, there is so much more to the country that not many people get to see.
Over the last year, I have explored these off-the-beaten-track areas. Some of my favorite areas to explore are around the centrally located Modiin. Modiin, also known as the “best-planned city in Israel”, is located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The city includes a park in the center of the city with a lake and paddle boats, playgrounds around every corner, bus and train access, and a modern mall. You can easily make a day out of it. 
The videos cover Ben Shemen Forest, House of Arches, Gimzo, Buchman Hills, Playgrounds, ruins, and more.
I have created an ever-growing video playlist on YouTube of these adventures so you can watch and plan your adventures in advance. 
Modiin Area Playlist
Don’t forget to comment and tell us about your own adventures. 
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– Bengineer


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