Learning to Surf in Tel Aviv

Learning to surf in Tel Aviv, Israel!

This week’s mission was to take one of the items that has been in the top 5 of my bucket list since I was a child. Learning to surf! Ever since I watched Point Break, I have always dreamed of learning to surf. The beach has always been my happy place and watching the graceful surfers has always been so peaceful for me. The opportunity finally came this week when a good friend of mine asked if I wanted to do something this week and I immediately said surf lessons. To my surprise, he said YES! I messaged a few of my friends and was sent to Michal Moshiach of iSUP.co.il and told she was the best. My friend and I couldn’t be happier with our instructor, Shahar, and the results. I also tried to share as much knowledge as I was given with you. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND ISUP FOR ANYONE LOOKING TO LEARN TO SURF.
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– Bengineer


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